Monday, May 30, 2011

A Step to the Right?

So I have never considered myself republican or Democrat. I have always prided myself in being smart enough to look at the facts and then make an educated vote. What type of person always agrees with what EVERY republican says? Same coin but other side..who believes what EVERY Democrat says? Crazy!!!
So I have always gone against the grain. Been the one who questions. I have lived in Texas since I was 13, I am legally supposed to vote Republican, and send bad Obama jokes by email. I am supposed to have a GB sticker on my car, and have joined that Facebook page with that douchebags picture that says, "do you miss me yet?"
Well sorry..look up a few lines. I go against the grain. I don't vote for someone just because my family does. I don't think that old white dude did such a great job! Yeah, I said it! I think that Obama is being blamed for the Cheerios Bush spilled all over the floor before he left.
I think that people are secretly hating him because he's black but don't have the nuts to say it. I watched parents write notes two years in a row because they were afraid of what he was going to say. What the hell? You don't know what I'm going to say but you still let me teach them!
Now Texas is in crisis because a Bushwacker wannabe is governor. He threw his Cheerios and we are all waiting to see how it will be cleaned up. Oh gosh Democrats, they are the devil! They want to turn this into a socialist country and make us all have healthcare!!!
Well let me just say that the republicans in Texas are screwing the state in every way they can! So let me see...I think I need a Facebook page called, "you voted for him, now your children will be the lowest performing state, your elderly will have no care, and the mentally I'll will run the streets with no meds!"
Yeah I voted for Obama, but at least I didn't vote for Perry!

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