Saturday, September 10, 2011

Guilty Pleasures Part Uno

Everyone has them...whether it's a candy bar, blogs, trash magazines, or TV.
I have guilty pleasures...oh yes I do...
Yes, I love them. People take this WAAAAAAAY too serious. It's a show, it's funny, it's not real life, no they are not giving Jersey Shore a bad name, I think they are just kids having a freakin good time!
Yes it is Pauly D.

Oh I could take a bath in you.....I even have a special way to eat it. I bite it in half with my teeth, eat the peanut butter treasure inside of it, and then chew up the rest of the chocolate. Oh WOW!
This next pleasure is a multiple step, multiple formatted issue I have...

It all started with this...

Eclipse is my FAV..
Then came.....

Then my world changed when I saw
Because I was blinded by the light on Jacob's abs...

Oh yes...that's nice...
But between New Moon and
Eclipse did not include enough shirtless Jacob if you ask me.

Jacob because legal and I wasn't a pervert anymore..or less of a pervert I guess.

Yes, I own the fact that I am old, and he is 18. I am just looking....wait, what was I saying.
My favorite moment in Eclipse besides the tent scene is

Now I patiently wait for Breaking Dawn...Come on November...

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